Sweet Love
Sweet Love

Sweet Love


Beautiful shades of pinks are displayed within this aquapack bouquet. Pink gerberas and pink roses look fab mixed with foliages and shaped with folded aspidistra leaves. Finished in pink cellophane and presented in a gift bag.

Expertly handtied presented with modern packing techniques and freestanding in an aquapack of water.

Standard (Image displayed) £52.50

Luxury (50% extra flowers and foliage, plus a large gift card) £69.95

Delivery/collection dates and times specifics can be selected during the checkout process.

For a breakdown of the floral selection please see below in the description.

Due to availability items may be substituted for equal or greater value.

  • Standard
  • Luxury


Beautiful shades of pinks are displayed within this aquapack bouquet. Pink gerberas and pink roses look fab mixed with foliages and shaped with folded aspidistra leaves. Finished in pink cellophane and presented in a gift bag.

Order "Luxury" and Add 50% extra, so that's 9 roses, 9 gerberas and alot more foliage to create a spectacular display.... plus your personal message will be hand written on an upgraded large card.

If you are thinking about adding an extra gift with your flowers such as chocolates, balloons, teddies or our engravable gifts ... please look at our additional gifts page: Additional Gift Ideas (theflowershoponline.co.uk)

Flower selection for the Standard size:

  • 6 stems of pink gerberas
  • 6 stems of pink roses
  • 10 stems of hard ruscus
  • 4 Aspidistra leaves

Our attention to detail, freshness of flowers and experience within floristry has awarded The Flower Shop Ltd the accreditation by The British Florists Association. We are proud to support and showcase this display from their exclusive members range.

Due to availability items may be substituted for equal or greater value.

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